What is Onde?/Che cos'è Onde?
Onde is a french word meaning wave, both in relation to sea and to phyisics. Onde is the name of a project I've found in the august of 2010 dedicated to study the relationship beetween sound, ambient and society.
I will publish in this blog different recordings of ambient sounds made by me: you will hear sounds of traffic jams, rain, air vibrations, birds singing, children laughing, steps, shuttered doors, dogs and cats ecc.
Alterning abstract to irriverent, conceptual to dada, Onde observes the sounds in their natural ecosystems: in cities, valleys, country, sea and many other places.
order is a French word which can mean both sea wave, any wave is physical. Hence it is a PROJECT that I started in August 2010 dedicated to the study of the relationship between sound, environment and society.
be posting in this blog different ambient sound recordings made by me: listen to the sounds of traffic, rain, vibrations of air, birds singing, children laughing, footsteps, doors slamming, dogs and cats, etc.. Alternating irreverence abstract, the conceptual dada, observes the sound waves in their natural ecosystems in cities, valleys, fields, seas and many other places.
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