Friday, December 10, 2010

Radioshack Return Without A Reciept

Star Bright, Star Light ...

Well, now that GEAR has been set in motion, you just have to see how events will evolve. After a few days in which for various reasons I could just follow everything about my first novel, here, but to my pleasant surprise, what I see? We are the first orders and especially the first mail of interest. As I promised, I try to respond promptly to anyone, and I begin by thanking those who own just out of curiosity has ordered a copy of my book. A FANTASMINA94 just say: as you like so much science fiction but you you're approached by little, I hope not to disappoint your expectations (and those of your boyfriend, you have already done known giants like Asimov or Dick and makes you put up with the series of BattleStarGalactica flat out: popular culture ...). I apologize but with RALPH for the delay with which he received his copy, but it seems that at this time (will be the Christmas season?) There are problems with shipments and order fulfillment, if it were to happen to you do me a whistle! I'll be the first to complain! SOLARLORD (but have been inspired the comic? "I think we know in a few ...) instead of asking me why I decided to just write a science fiction novel. Well, let's say that my imagination goes much: I know that there will always be of great simply because they are an eternal dreamer and Trilogy Gemini aside, you'll see different things in the future. In this case, however, back in 2006, I meant that my efforts brought me to the end of writing The Great Fire of , just in time to participate in the competition Urania (Mondadori) of that year. Ah, I have recommended that the page where you can purchase online at Lulu , the vision of this book is pretty poor: there is only a cover-front back, a map, the pages on the various copyright. For now I try to avoid posting the first chapter (chosen randomly) to read it click on "The Great Fire " next to "Home Page " at the top of the homepage of the blog, or on the picture of book cover , in the right column. Good reading. And now I greet you, hoping above all that ... a little 'history that fits your passion go among the stars to tell ...


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