Friday, December 31, 2010
Myrtle Beach Houses To Seniors
In this recording you can hear the noise of footsteps in a room. The recorder is placed in the middle of the room, the microphones point toward the window. Each type of path that can be undertaken has its own corresponding sound: for example, when the sound of footsteps is less clear means that the person is walking out of range of microphones and then the opposite of the window, or close to the wall. The length of this record has its own importance: in fact after the first few minutes of listening to the sound of footsteps is mixed with the vibrations of the furniture and floor caused by the walk.
Baby Frostbite Cheeks

Year's Eve finally slow down. I take away from any commitment, I prefer to improvise .
And the moment I carry inside me with an endless desire for peace and quiet .
So I'm enjoying the last hours, concentrated in the one desire to do what I like most.
It 's simple but it is not obvious, I appeal to all my courage to wish me alone to be better for the coming year. And he can not help but be a better year.
Jason Williams Armpits
After finding a satisfactory definition of noise by comparing it to a contingency, yet still remains an essential question to answer is: What makes music different from the experience of the Environmental noise that we have every day? The noise, as we have seen, is not something only to the extent of the composers but something that is already starting in nature, of which each man has experience conducting numerous activities in the world around them. So we might ask: who has the approach to noise music is different nell'environmental dall'approccio you have toward the sound in everyday life? To answer this question not only must use the definition of noise as a contingency but also for the first time focus on the mental mechanisms that man puts into action by interacting with the noise. As can be said that strictly speaking the Environmental field recordings and music both rely on the experience that comes in first in listening noises, which has experienced a sharp phenomenological character. It 'important to understand that with this particular phenomenological experience of listening does not mean only the experience of users of music, but also that of the authors, a particular feature is that the Environmental music experience of the user at the time of listening and those of the author at the time of creation of the work are very similar, although with a crucial difference that we will see. Before considering this point analyze the general steps in which splits in the mental experience of hearing a noise. They are three: perception, verification and location. The first is simply the perception of a beep, then the contact between the brain, ears and the sound waves. To understand the second is worth returning to the idea of \u200b\u200bnoise as a contingency: it consists in a method to test the proposition that the noise is, and then in the method that is acquired metasuono to find the cause of the sound object. The last phase, location, is essentially a verification implement and fully managed: localize a noise if we identify the environment that caused it. The phenomenological experience that we as viewers we live in listening to the sounds of a 'work environment-music differs from that which we can live on hearing the noises of daily because of the location: while we can locate a sound standing in the street or in the park, we can not do this while listening to a 'work of Environmental music. In fact, in the second case, the noise will be presented to us out of the context that caused them, and then our experience will stop at the level of verification. This same fundamental difference lies between the phenomenological experience of the 'author and recipient of the Environmental music: one can locate the sound object, the second not.
I would like particularly to point out one last point: do not reach the level of localization in the experience of listening does not mean it had no information from the noise on the world around us. It means rather not be completely sure how to interpret the information that gives us. With the level of verification we already have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe environment that is subject to sound, even though we have not verified yet if this idea is true or false.
Christofer Drew's Tank Top
In a note dated 4 March 1915, the great Austrian philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein wrote: "The melody is a kind of tautology, it is finished and complete in itself, sufficient unto itself." This leads us immediately to the heart of the debate about what music is and its relationship with the noise. Starting from it we can get the key that could permit the resolution of many problems concerning this matter. The study of the relationship between man, world language and implemented by the analytic philosophy of the last century can lead to a justification of the results and artistic results of contemporary music. First I will explain in general terms what I mean when I speak of music as a language, then instead linguistically analyze the various differences between the various musical systems that man has invented, focussing especially on what this blog is dedicated, namely that of Field Recordings. What does it mean that music is a language? Or more precisely, in the sense that something artistic can arise through linguistic processes? The most obvious difference between art and language can take right from the start: the language has a value of communicative objects, art no. This is true for any art form, in addition to writing in which the artistic influence of the conceptual apparatus that wants to be informed, and art as old as the Roman, in which art had propaganda value, is nevertheless a fact that today no one would dream of joining a clear communication of a concept to an artistic beauty. The proposition and yet not only the type of communication has another function: to represent reality. In the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus Wittgenstein likens it to a picture that has a form of representation, that is the logical form that has in common with the principal and that it can only show and do not represent, and form of representation, that is what the makes it different from reality. A proposition can be true or false depending on whether there is or what it represents does not exist. This feature of the proposition is also owned by the art and is precisely what makes the art of language. We judge an artistic product by how it represents the reality that circonda.Questa function of art is reversed completely during the twentieth century. On one side of the avant-garde art (especially visual artists), carried to an art that is not the man but around the world dedicated to the study of itself and its own logic. Joseph Kosuth wrote about it: "Art is the idea of \u200b\u200bart." On the other, other artists have appropriated the representative function of art made us become a simpler proposition contingent that can help us to investigate the environment around us (from this point of view, figurative poetry was taken from fringe of conceptual art called Land Art). So how propositions are divided between tautologies and contingencies as the art of the twentieth century from the point of view is divided in the same representative modo.Effettuata now a general analysis on the idea of \u200b\u200bart as a language, concentramoci more on music. L ' idea of \u200b\u200bart as representation has existed from the start in music, but from the outset in a so different from what existed in the figurative. The music, like melody, and then in its more traditional sense is tautological since the beginning, as suggested by Wittgenstein's thinking. The melody seems to think about herself, she seems to be because of the attention we place on it. But if the melody is tautological, then what about noise? The answer is this: the noise is instead more closely to a type of contingent proposition. A proposition as it requires a quota verification is not enough in itself. And just as with a contingent proposition if we are to understand its meaning, and in particular what the noise 'has caused, we must observe the world around us. From the lexical point of view is now useful to make a clarification: we will call metasuono environment that is subject to the sound and location sound as sound physical event that is caused by metasuono.
The first musical composition that has led to the idea of \u200b\u200bmusic as an empirical verification of the environment around us was 4'33 by John Cage. This work has been described by many as the more conceptual work of the composer, even if it is instead a study of the environment. With the excuse of silence, music within the whistles and grunts of the public, which lead us to discover the world around us.
Now that I've defined the music and the melody with noise quota tautological or empirical, one might ask, but then what is the role of the environment-if the music sounds that make up the leading direct our attention to the world that we surroundings? The answer is: it simply has to help us discover more about the environment that is around us. E 'useless groped to express feelings as you express the sounds with melodies as this is not their task. Attempts to do this as the actual music they are starting failed. We must instead examine, to study the noise because it is half as well as a useful fonte e un testimone preziosissimo della bellezza di ciò che ci circonda su questo pianeta.
Static Electricity In Blanket
Onde is a french word meaning wave, both in relation to sea and to phyisics. Onde is the name of a project I've found in the august of 2010 dedicated to study the relationship beetween sound, ambient and society.
I will publish in this blog different recordings of ambient sounds made by me: you will hear sounds of traffic jams, rain, air vibrations, birds singing, children laughing, steps, shuttered doors, dogs and cats ecc.
Alterning abstract to irriverent, conceptual to dada, Onde observes the sounds in their natural ecosystems: in cities, valleys, country, sea and many other places.
order is a French word which can mean both sea wave, any wave is physical. Hence it is a PROJECT that I started in August 2010 dedicated to the study of the relationship between sound, environment and society.
be posting in this blog different ambient sound recordings made by me: listen to the sounds of traffic, rain, vibrations of air, birds singing, children laughing, footsteps, doors slamming, dogs and cats, etc.. Alternating irreverence abstract, the conceptual dada, observes the sound waves in their natural ecosystems in cities, valleys, fields, seas and many other places.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Difference Between Graduated Bob And Inverted Bob
My first 25 years of racing
almost 25 years have passed since that February 16, 1986. L my first road race, then nearly 25 year old, a host of Montemurlo Scarpinata for the Big Foot. The long-time runners will remember, was a superb race with all those avenues, but I was there fond, because for me it was the first. Unfortunately no longer exists, as has happened with many other erased from calendars: one for all, here in Valdinievole, the travel of the rebirth in Monsummano.
I have run many miles in the race almost 15 thousand compared to more than 1,200 races celebrated recently in that of Valenzatico . One of those who are most fond of, so much so that two years ago I got angry when I could not participate due to physical problems. While in 2005 on his return from a broken toe, I decided, however, lead to the end of the race Valenzatico, albeit with very little training in the legs.
Why speak now to the end of these years and not 25 years next February? That's because December 31 happens to my season ever. How does my teammate Luchino, I have a certain age. So even if I make them year to October, from 1 January 2011 will become "veteran" or maybe "old man", to paraphrase the name by which Annapaola called me in my birthday.
And then we talk about all these 25 years in "my" team, the GP Massa and Cozzile without that symbol that the bureaucracy did, then add.
From guardrail "galley slave" goals to cut the labor of marathons
In the first year I have to admit that there was a lot of irresponsibility and a few workouts, I ran as it was: in October 1993 I decided that I could do the marathon and confronted with a sufficiency and pride incredible, I took one of those blows that you remember forever. I will not elaborate stories in detail, suffice it to say that the 37th I had been sitting on a guardrail on the bridge that connects Mestre to Venice and had it not been for Stephen was always there. Who wants any more details, ask him, I remained only a very blurred memory of that day.
The lesson served to the point that the next year with training and a lot more humility took in a decent way to end the marathon again in Venice, experiencing the wonderful feeling, never try it again in remaining after 7 marathons completed. Strong emotions, especially, the famous guardrail on arrival.
After two times in Venice, I have also tried other marathons Mugello, Cesano Boscone 2 times in 1995 and 1998, a third time in Venice and Livorno in 1996 after fifteen days. Then the two paths Emilia, perhaps the most human scale, Ferrara in 2000 and Carpi in 2001, where I closed the marathon signing my personal 3h16'47 ". Not once excelled, but it is not suitable for this competition, I believe it is also my limit.
Now I believe that the marathons have become a business for those who organize and who makes a fashion and the results are seen only among elite athletes. So there's participation in the mass, but not the quality.
I think that the race must be approached with enthusiasm, respect and training. But as I often say "is a nice play but if you train ...". That's because after the first marathon I started keeping a diary in which I have reported everything from training to racing, from sensations to training partners.
opponents, teammates, friends
The race has allowed me to places I know I would never have known, but most men and women, friends and comrades with whom I have shared a few feet or many miles. What is unusual is that the race makes it all the same share in the effort, but also the joy of achievement, each starting with its limitations. For many years I get the entries of what I consider "my" race even if I never played "The Ghibellino, one of the most beautiful and toughest of Tuscany, perhaps one of the most fascinating. It is in this race, much to my delight, that now I often identify other runners.
Going back to the people you know, there are plenty of all walks of life, but of all I would like to mention two: Claudio Simi "knight", one of those very strong, but with the humility of a simple person with whom I had the pleasure to train on my lap 16 and sometimes have competed side by side (of course when he undertook!) and Gianna Secci among us is born a good-natured sort of challenge, but often serves to give verve to a race. Rethinking, then, that our friendship was born from one of my "gufata" towards another person is saying.
In all my years on my team have passed so many people, I tied some more with some less, as happens in life. There were, however, teammates I have always endured by Rinaldo, who dragged me in my first race, Marino the "President" - that's just me Marino is about to do a joke that years later I wish I could tell the first president I found, I would say, 'We are always here and you? " - The aforementioned Stephen too close to the goal of 25 years since we started together, Sergio the only real "Massa" and Mace an athlete with a capital A, but with a simplicity that few people have and which I consider an honor. And then there are those much younger than me, I found that there was still a child and I know that is not offended if you still call it, is not it Erica ?
Although it has only recently resumed training, Simone Simo or as I call it, is another with whom I have very fond. With him I made a lot of training, a pairs competition, a marathon where he set up his staff and especially to Antraccoli a relay race where we were on different teams, but we did the same fraction of 4.300 km where both established our best time by pulling the race each at its best with a lot of sprint final side by side without ever knowing who had come before, after the change even if we embraced until just seconds before we were opponents.
There are teammates, came after me in the GP, and with whom I have, however, bound by a Nic Luciano Luciano G other aforementioned Annapaola and pestiferous Luchino , all these have shown great determination in getting results, so as to dissipate on their human potential.
A bond of friendship and not only created, then, with three friends and I quote them in alphabetical order Antoinette, Mark and Michael.
For Antoinette I have my best finish in a race, second in a race Prato couples close to victory. But placements are not everything. What's between us is a special feeling, as the many times we practiced together, the chats, discussions and sometimes mutual confidences. How do you say friend in the round.
Marco Marchino or better, now I renamed it, it is not so much that has developed a closer relationship, up to a year ago was a younger companion and nothing more. Then he asked me to train with me and after less than a month he asked me to be his coach. A request that the beginning I was blown away, then slowly I tried to fall in this new dimension, seeking to know the person before the athlete. And after some time I must say that I see in him the Daniel many years ago, I think this is enough.
As Michele 4 years have passed now since I once asked if he could venirsi to train with me. I do not know how many times has failed to do so, we say that we know, perhaps better, than we know ourselves. I remember two years ago when I spent a period when I was struggling with muscle problems and still managed to maintain an acceptable form, thanks to Michael who was preparing the marathon. And at the end of a workout speed was Michael himself to tell me that I had not asked for anything "I have finally revised run by Daniel." In short, Michael is Michael, I think this is enough to describe him.
Among the many people I had the pleasure of knowing I would remind the three people Biggi, a nice old man died while running in a race with a smile, Alfio Balloni runner died in a Florentine accident with whom I shared many races and Aldo Welcome he died prematurely, I have to remind him a lot of photos depicting me glad now suffering hours, a hug to all three.
I've been doing all these years many races as I said at the beginning and many have told me that I have a big problem: that of not being able to give everything in the race. That may be true, or maybe just have a bulb that tells me not to go too far. This, however, allowed me to run for many years, not as many who have competed for a short time. Maybe I make more in training and competitions, but lately I feel much less Anto says the race and run quieter.
I still removed a lot of satisfaction, including the one to win a race with my team in 1997, the twelve hour runway Agliana: I was one of those "magnificent dozen" and was an immense satisfaction, but also several races where I had wonderful feelings on all Valenzatico 2000, Gianna memories? And Vinci 2008 race with a race to the limit, or half-marathon ever in 2008, returning to Pistoia to run as strong as happened a long time. Anchione 2009 race with an ankle in a mess and still done very well, but a special chapter is that of three races where I ran to the other. The first half-marathon on October 11, 2009 at Pisa, where I helped to make Luchino staff, the second on 1 November 2009 in the marathon of Agliana I dragged him to the staff and Mark Antony. I've done it before the official pacer but happiness and proven by my companions were unforgettable. The third race was in Pisa on October 10 this year. Even at that time played the role of the pacer with Anto, Michael and Mark have three friends and teammates together and make him captain - Rinaldo will allow me to stealing the role for once - was special because I have shown that trust in them was well placed.
In these 25 years there were also periods not beautiful, the various problems with his back that led me to inactivity, the right big toe fracture 5 years ago from which it is always returned to run for my levels. I've also had people who helped me by advising me workouts, more or less tables, what I have Rinaldo thank the most is that since I submitted the "chromosomes" of the race was the one who has followed me more, and even now is that I still ask advice. But I can not forget Luca Panichi alias Cannon, who brought me back almost 50 years at optimal levels, making me think again especially on my Achilles' heel of the climb. A special relationship is, then, with Piero Giacomelli that in addition to advise on training, I was captured with his photos from 2004 races for Tuscany, for him, I also did the only exception in the race to failing to wear various vests the GP, but those of pacer.
The 600 yards incredible
In recent years I think I had the honor and privilege to participate in tenders, to know people and places but the most beautiful emotion was only one. It was not a race. I found myself running slowly, between two wings of the crowd with a lot of bodyguard and escort of Police, was December 15, 2005 when the suit torchbearer, jealously preserved, I did the 600 meters best times of my life. In his hand he held the Olympic torch, with which I ran near here, on the road to Borgo a Buggiano. Photos, people you touched, a mother who asked me to give a kiss to his daughters, five with a flood of people, drivers who look at you with admiration and not with the usual contempt. In short, those five minutes were the most incredible of my life for runners, as they say to tell the grandchildren.
Now let's absolute with only one regret, not the age that I know to be a natural factor, but for the fact that there are very few young people behind and that's a bad sign for the future. I would like for the next 25 years, ask me in so many. My answer is simple: nothing in particular and just feel good to feel the same emotions of these incredible twenty-five.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Littlest Pet Shop Register Pet
After more than a month even if I commit card for a non-competitive in Monsummano Terme, also made the race last year, we had to do a group exercise, but when I was about to leave with the rest of the group So here comes Mark and I decided to wait it still needs to park in short, let's start about 10 minutes after the other with Fabio in the meantime arrived. Let's start
Monday, December 27, 2010
How Old Do You Need To Be To Go To Winstar

like stepping into a fantasy world find my rhythm.
It 's a special rate, a bit' lazy and very fluctuating. It 's a pace much water where things are transformed to satisfy the my imagination.
I look around while I enjoy the caress of water on the skin, and explore areas well known in plain sight to be completely new to me.
For a moment, that seems a lifetime I can feel the infinite above me.
underwater with a smile is guaranteed to be a really lucky girl.
Very lucky.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Billed Knit Hat Pattern

Too often I pretend that is fine and I'll settle for mediocre results.
Increasingly, however, I happen to put your whole volercela.
Yes, when I think way down in what I do then I carry on my project with the utmost care. Without pulling away, sparing no energy or intelligence.
Of course after the result is strong.
But even turn to my town with my nose in the air and watch the lights of Christmas. Even this charge and I
turns me on.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
How Many Unique Units Can You Have Mount & Blade
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Ohio Ids With Social Security Numbers On Them

In fact I have never gone away. I was absent, however, yes.
Completely absorbed, bound, wrapped around. I would say more: trapped.
Day after day, and some memorable nights and exhausting.
had already happened last year, with the cold weather arrives. Step
December girlfriend closely with chocolate, and he is the master every aspect of my life.
But now these are the last hours.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Noma Thermostats Wont Shut Off
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Tattoos Design Arm Guy
Friday, December 10, 2010
Radioshack Return Without A Reciept
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Fort Teran Is Locatedin Angelina County
Strangely after so long it does not rain this morning and finally it was possible to run without, and of course we are cold in December, but not as it was last Sunday in Florence for the marathon (second In my humble opinion should change the date) that even someone like me was to see and not to run was wet and cold.