The first rain of the season on a bicycle.
E 'already dark when the park. The knees wet, wet hair.
It seems there is a veil of fog, but maybe just my glasses wet.
I seem to riding in a movie.
I expect at least a disturbing encounter and I challenge my courage as I try not to slip on the gravel.
feel the full weight of fatigue, but My imagination does not seem to be affected, and insists to wander into the territories of wet fog.
Then more rain, the wet cobblestones, slippery rails and traffic. The thought of a night without heat, food and sofa console me fully.
Nobody waiting for me. Only me.
No love, no regrets.
And while I enjoy the comfort of a warm-me smile thinking of the good fortune of being an animal much easier.
Yes, it's true: everything I need, I learned from my cat!
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