Far be it from me to do a review of a book, it is my job, I do not think of being able, however, for the first Once in a while 'of time now, I think I read something that gave me yet another boost for the much sought jump to the next level. What?! Simply ... in everything! And I mean everything, no joke. No, I have found my new Bible, and not even think that "The Sum of Days" is the best book I ever read or Isabel Allende has written. I believe that only by coincidence, his reading took place at the right time indicated. Many of you may know already that I will become father (I'M NOT IN MORE SEX!). Not be long now (well, it's still four months). It 's a particular moment of doubt, fear, surprise, joy, fear, sharing, reflection, waiting, hoping. And in this book, I was even beginning to plant there, but Then I devoured in three days, I've got to dig inside myself to open my skull and look a bit 'in with renewed interest. When reading, sometimes I am moved, shocked, surprised, I found myself in agreement or perplexed. I realized how the anxiety of every day, always having to prove something to themselves and to others, wanting to get somewhere, all this I was a bit 'crushing. I've always been very introverted and quiet, a little 'bear', then that attitude has improved thanks to the military and the meeting with the girl who later became my wife. I say that's how much at this time I is setting out, trying to understand how a change at some point, it is almost mandatory. I'll never stop dreaming, I probably suffer as many (I hope they are many) of the Peter Pan syndrome, and finally, hoping not to have bored you with these my disserzioni, with a phrase that I really like every now and lately I turned to my head: "You do not stop playing because you get old, but you get old because you stop playing ..." and at the end, I add, life is the most successful game. When you arrive, my child? :)
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