Here three more recordings, three live shots of sounds and noises of the tram station to Largo Argentina in Rome. Each recording was made in a different place of the station, this station the listener to enjoy sound as a phenomenon in its entirety.
I always found it interesting to record sounds from tram, bus and trains in general.
For two reasons:
1) First of these vehicles have in common a feature absolutely unique sound: in fact manifests itself most clearly in trains, buses etc.. than in others, the idea of \u200b\u200bnoise as a contingency that indicates a physical appearance. The noise of the wheels of the train for passengers is the departure of the train, away from the station, whereas the train whistle is someone waiting for the arrival to the track.
2) The recording field recording stations somehow becomes an integral part of society, care about how any citizen of a public good, and approaches to infuse himself become a part of planning, could be shared with esmpio on this blog, all free.
These records shall implement in all senses of the phrase John Cage: "Art is a kind of experimental station in which to live."

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