FINALLY! New cover almost ready, so the imminent publication of the book online. And since there are those who thankfully kept us at least a bit ', the second volume almost finished. Sure, he recorded a very injury that has caused hours of training were transformed in good time to devote to writing and redrafting of the text, and especially the artwork and the reorganization of many confused me buzzed overhead (I tried to avoid certain mental contortions of "The Great Fire ). I would say that we have now really: is there only to decide the final rewrite everything on the computer (stuff for nothing!). Yes, because usually I like to write everything first with a pen, in black and white (more convenient, faster, more ... personal?), Perhaps also because they give me so many calendars and diaries ... All this will take more time, even when I copy it all because, usually, in addition to correction and verification of the smoothness of the text, which ends up always add something. Then off to the first question. Will submit the work to "reading committee, willing and available fearless young that soon I will tell them (fortunately always in all sincerity), so ... publication. Yeah, I decided that for now the Saga of Gemini will be published entirely online, while publishing houses (in September and November I have to recontact two who like some of my ideas, but not to editorial work), I will propose something else. Then will follow up with an anthology of different stories: some of them you can already read the blog, I'll wait a bit more 'to post it because of some competitions in situ (sperem!). Ah, the picture above has nothing to do with the cover, the ones you see are the mythical universe of Ultramarine Warhammer40.000. But I see that you're curious ...
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