Monday, May 3, 2010

Buying Chicken In Bulk


I waited with some anxiety, mostly to review action in that beautiful yellow and red armor, not for the story, which as usual has little to do with the original, or better, that make such a Cozzaglia that those unfamiliar with the character understands as much as those who are passionate, namely NOTHING! It is absolutely not my intention to make a review of the film, it does not for me and I leave to those who love it, but I would just point out to me that those were the three stages "hot" that once I watch the DVD in your hands and cover, very happy. First: Tony Stark in armor that you can enjoy a donut to Homer Simpson, in the early morning, lying like a mermaid in the mega-donut symbol on a skyscraper. Needless to say reminded me of the mythical scene of Homer's head with a ring that is hard to not eat! Second: The "future" Black Widow, in evening dress and high heels by way of galactic stilts, says a joke to an ailing Tony pre-birthday party that makes the skin accaponare (watch the movie, guess what it is between three and perhaps four-bar that makes the whole movie and then tell me ...). Third, the usual surprise ending soundtrack of post closure that acts as a preamble to the following (there is always a sequel ...) where there is an object of fear! Mjollnir! when it appeared I was almost kneeling in adoration ... Ouch! Yes, yes, I remove the almost! The gnomes hit me with his fist on the temple! Lazy! Hmmmm, that looks ... God of Thunder is coming!
Sondaggione PS film in the adjacent column!


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