It is said that silver was the happiest of living creatures on Earth and could cover large distances as when he wanted, with his way of flying so perfect. What more could anyone ask, he seemed at one with the sky and often seemed to give you the wind Mr., the clouds, the sun, he seemed to dominate the stars, he loved to fly silent and graceful in the dark of night ... To all this he often thought while hovering over the valleys with extreme elegance and looked with haughty superiority, from top to bottom, even the highest mountains, until one day he saw her ...
In the spring morning the wind was less cold than usual, despite the height at which he was flying and the proximity of some snowfields. On a Suddenly, a gust of warm air convinced him to let himself be guided by other means, swaying in the gentle warmth of the currents. He found himself in a few minutes near the big lake where every year, repeatedly, we headed to watch the spectacle of the fields that, day after day, bloomed in many colors and in many perfumes: a spectacular scene that appeared in his eyes always . It was probably the only thing he felt inferior, but that day was destined for something to change his life.
from the forest adjacent to the Lake an unusual shape caught his attention. He went flying dive and reached incredible speeds, he was so anxious to understand why Its feathers were trembling like that. With a simple gesture of great wings slowed its descent through the pines and headed higher, up to a stop on a big branch. He looked at her and almost felt faint ...
Those golden hair looked, they were so bright and shining in the sunlight! He wanted to get closer and at least pretend to be interested in crumbs of bread from the hands of the girl offered to some sparrows, just to be closer to them, would have liked at least a little closer and see it better, but even where they are unable to understand what those blue eyes, endless as the sky, he had been kidnapped. Immediately took flight, still dazed, with the golden mind hair, eyes that contained the sky, the white garments that emphasized the beauty.
For the first time he felt confused ... dared not even deign to glance his friend the sun, trying to advise him and having no response, I was offended, it was the same for the wind, mountains, clouds ...
Silver Only now understood what loneliness had accompanied him throughout his life: he wanted to know the love ... But what was up? Was he running away from that angelic vision? It did force and a maneuver that proved more difficult than usual, came back from the girl with golden hair, eyes that contained the sky and the white robes that n'esaltavano beauty.
and perched on a rock at the foot of the great oak, mother and father of all living creatures of the forest, and looked away from his sweet vision. For a few seconds he stood firm and motionless, so that seemed like an eternity. Just a ray of sunshine could distract him for a moment, but it was only a moment.
When he turned he felt burning in the following way: the girl ran to meet and raggiuntolo, continued to speak, holding out a hand to help him up, as he was sitting. He was sitting!? What a miracle that never was? He was now a man! Tese that which according to him was to be a hand and stood up. The contact between the two, probably made him blush.
The girl began to laugh ...
laughed at him! Silver laughed! He could not say anything, he could not speak. He kept laughing at him! He did not understand what he was saying, but understand that now laughing at him ...
While a tear down his face, the girl, whose hair was no longer golden, whose eyes did not contain more than the sky, and whose white robes were now useless and faded, he was leaving whistling and hopping.
The forest became silent.
The atmosphere was heavy and the air almost unbearable: his heart seemed to be having to split at any moment. He began racing wildly, although in a disorderly way, and passed the big oak tree threw himself on the slope. I just think he wanted to die, he wanted to end it. So naive I was ... But something went wrong ...
wind was my friend, who now held him carefully, and your friend the sun, which warmed with equal care, the sky was once his friend and both the mountains that the clouds still smiled, as sisters.
"Do not we can allow it to end like that. "they said in chorus.
At the same time, Silver was able to re-draw the nimble claws and strongly draw the mighty wings, so as to hover in the air with the usual innate skill. He sent immediately a knowing glance at the sun, the mountains, is lulled by the wind, smiling at the clouds. Knew he always had so many dear friends. He understood that mattered above all knowing how to speak from the heart ...
It is said that silver was the happiest of living creatures on Earth, of course, was now more than ever ...
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