last weekend. Do not know about you, but when comes the summer (yes, yes, maybe I'm exaggerating, but we have now, right? All 'sti hornets around the show!) The time it takes a surge crazy! On the other hand, with the days that stretch, the desire to stay out with friends will grow. And the relentless passage of time (I remember NOT NEVER ENOUGH! ) can be fooled "anticipating" the fleeting moments and enjoyable one that rightly deserves and expects. What do I mean? Well, for example, now comes out in May instead of Friday evenings will begin on Wednesday (because of age, at least It takes two days to retrieve my ... JOKE! OH! ) Anyway, today I feel really good, both physically and mentally (and considering my pathological madness ...). I just returned from my beautiful corset, raised a little 'Iron mo shoot myself a salad or a juice and in the meantime ... while I nursed a drawing I did, before going out, inspired by a dream from which I woke up reluctantly. In turn perhaps inspired by a pleasant encounter made the other day (in other words, ready new idea for a new saga with haunting characters!). But I have not digress further, I must-be-true-original-idea ... fiuuu. Ce f or the maybe. Sorry, but the gnomes, I do not know what to say never and maybe we are giving up too, I was tugging at his sleeve. Gestures would say that he is thirsty or hungry or do not know, boh? As I roam the country, running, should not be more tired of the undersigned, are not you? Leave me alone, oh! Here, mo is the offended, But not if it falls on my shoulder, no? Bravo, bravo, shut up and fly! Then what does that mean? The flies are so annoying ... THIRST! Over and out. For now ...
Friday, April 30, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Compaq Coprocessor Driver V6000
dream or are awake? PECC
You know when you are waiting so much a thing with some trepidation, and when it comes, PUFF, do not know how take, what to say and what to think? In the first weekend in May was due to expire last time to see if The Great Fire would have aroused the interest of some employees to work during this time targeting advertising networks are well known to the public. I will spare you the usual rigamarole on the book, if you want to hurt you again and see what I think of the old posts regarding rileggetevi and we want to clarify that there was some sort of quiet curiosity to see what it could be drawn. Well, long story short, yesterday I was happily mix the vegetables for lunch (there I never said that? Loves to the stove!) When my wife comes with mail. Among the various bills and lots of brochures of various supermarket, a mysterious package was quite voluminous fine show of himself, capturing all of our attention (mine, my wife, and usually grumpy gnomes). I knew right from the header what it was, I guess, but until the last I tried to overcome the temptation to tear the content. He tried my faithful maid, which I then snatched the bag after an extreme fight! Well ... There was in advertising: OK. There was a nice DVD, which by the way I have yet to watch: ok. Last but not the end ... There is a contract (this time deliberately imposed) ... A CONTRACT! In duplicate, in three pages, with many of those clauses which one you might as well wait but finally says, "but what the hell?" Of course there were moments of panic are collective, but it all worked out with a bewildered attitude of the whole trio (me, my wife and the gnomes inpertinente). Why? Because as usual I've got to check every publishing house is acting in his own way, and ALWAYS in their own interests first. I am told that "the work I sent the test has impressed, hence the belief that my work is ready to enter their project for publication and launch new authors. "Well! Too bad I was asked to contribute a total economic relatively indifferent. It is not the first to make such a proposal as not even be the last, but by a big publishing house so well I expected other behavior. And my disappointment, mostly about the usual question that inevitably arises one, but have read the book or simply trying to ensnare people with false promises? And I will not be said that in the past Some great writers are self-financing their first works! I'm not saying it is right or not, but simply calls for more fairness. And anyway, if the figure had been another, I might well accepted, PRRRRRR (Pernacchia!)

Friday, April 16, 2010
My Pearl Thong Experiance
Mythical! Back to one of the most eagerly awaited festivals! Last year I missed, but this year I will not miss. New location to that of the courtyards of Cittiglio (for the uninitiated is the province of Varese), I imagine already happily walking with friends (from the first sober, then lightly carburized) from a delicacy to another, and our brave kids! And as usual there will be food stalls that "draw" delicious home-made products, which I assure you it is worth buying. In short, it will be a great day! The dates? Starts Friday, May 28th at 00:00 and ends on Sunday 30 at 00:00, but check the website for more info , although when you find info on old issues, but at least there will get an idea. So what say we go all to "bleat" together? Yes, yes, even you port, then how would I saw that I did not soft for a moment! Greedy gnomes ...
Friday, April 2, 2010
How Long Not To Shave Before A Wax
It was dark. A weak beam of light cut through the darkness of the room where the shades of black overlapped to prevent him from seeing clearly. And by sitting with eyes closed, silently and completely enraptured by his thoughts, what less could count at that time was whether or not it was immersed in a dark room.
It was dark. A weak beam of light cut through the darkness of the room where the shades of black overlapped to prevent him from seeing clearly. And by sitting with eyes closed, silently and completely enraptured by his thoughts, what less could count at that time was whether or not it was immersed in a dark room.
instinctively could feel the coldness of the bare steel walls, while the table on which rested his elbows, masterfully worked in synthetic wood, left him indifferent. The ceiling of black metal was a spectacular living seething meandering eddies and vortices generated by the perception of emotions from the catalyst at that time was to be the only living being in the room. On the table, naked, aseptic, rested a plate of white plastic. A chunky tomato sauce an intense ruby \u200b\u200bstood motionless and alone, to contemplate leaving.
That was the big day.
what was about to do was beyond any possible ethical or moral issue. He had no doubt that the reason was from them, the story would have done justice. What was indeed possible that a few thousand people, scattered all over the world, ready to sacrifice that huge, even remotely could fail leaving the rest of humanity and blindly stoically persevere in error? He was surprised to realize how a doubt that he had assaulted some years earlier when he had embraced the cause, he had dozed off and then reappear in all its contradictory splendor on the day of great trial.
He looked fleetingly into a corner on his right, the globe light was off. Not issue its usual soft bluish light, hypnotic, as in all other living cells, where instead, at that precise moment, other globes roamed environments sadly illuminating the darkest recesses, like fireflies cyber-hungry darkness. The world seemed asleep, ready to not turn on anymore as all of them and willing to sacrifice for a higher cause: it would be covered with dust and very simply, without anyone bothering to seek the reason, he would remain there forever, and idle unused. For him and other "public nuisance" there would be such indifference? No. Not this time. And the luminous globe had his moment of glory had sabotaged. As soon as the agents of Union had come to take it over, it would be activated, it signals their arrival, so as to enable him to complete the mission. Did not doubt would be there soon and grinned pleased seeing his left arm in the dim light that had stopped bleeding a few minutes. Who knows and expedient measures that had taken his other companions to synchronize the operation? It was not to miss very much now. It was more than certain that in less than an 'now it would end quickly.
It was deliberately eradicated the control chip that was imposed at birth by the Syndicate. Maybe that action had been the hardest to accomplish: it was difficult to decide so irrational and violent action, even imagine the pain you would have tried, the psychological exhaustion that would result. To harm himself, his body, was so ... so blasphemous, so immoral! Yet, absolutely necessary and indispensable. It was also curious to find out how his blood could have an odor so intense and metallic taste so sweet. These were the feelings that few would share with others: the blood shed and the intimate pain of his torn flesh, the silent cry and unheard in the frantic search for a compromise that could bring prosperity and give a future.
inhaled deeply.
inhaled deeply.
long exhale.
In certain situations, the weather was crazy and not flowing as it should. The wait became unbearable and unsustainable. He shook his thick curly hair with strength in his head. Just blinked his eyes when, for a contraction of the muscles, injured his arm reminded him of the offense previously received. His eye fell again towards the corner where, like him, the globe Bright was in agonizing wait. I hope that it almost came into operation, so as to put an end to everything, right away. The end ... of everything ...
The simplest of gestures, even if reckless in the eyes of right-thinking people, could lead to all this? Noteworthy is the fact that for a new beginning, a new era, we wanted to force an end, the total defeat. Their movement, with a gesture of protest, it would automatically and intentionally self deleted. PUFF. As if they never existed. They had never done anything blatant, such as certain extremist groups who had fought to safeguard the rights of automata; or those who had obtained an increase of one hour per week for conception free. Those who had been so great! But this time was a different story.
Their actions and their subsequent departure would have affected even the global economic system! Multinational companies, large markets, the single currency would collapse and all the chaos arose a new order. Of course, the population would be reduced drastically, by almost half. But in so doing, at least, there would be room for a few deserving opening our eyes and conscience, would not be helpless in the face of the general collapse. The idea of \u200b\u200bspace that could mean freedom made him smile. It was a little 'how to get back to pioneer times have been forgotten: the man would be back in control of himself, fully aware and responsible. Living longer would no longer be the ultimate desire of the average man. The dream was to become a better life and enjoy every day.
satisfied with this long argument, took almost surprised when he saw the longed-spread around the room glow blue. The bright daylight illumination of the globe almost as annoyed. Looking around he noticed disconsolate really like her room was so cold and impersonal, sterile. He felt furtive movements outside. He found objectionable to leave without being able to do any thing for the last time. He felt like a condemned man, indeed, a martyr! Many martyrs ready to sacrifice for your brothers! Here's what they were, what they should be! He smiled again. He looked pleased with the lush tomato in plastic saucer. Enough power synthetic derivatives, integrators, periodic monitoring of physiological values. Today would have committed the most serious of crimes: eat food collected from the fields of overgrown outdoor area.
In his case it was a vegetable chose the right stage of ripeness: hard, strong in his brightly colored, juicy and definitely no preservatives or other strange substances. She took him in hand, savoring the soft but firm consistency. It was curious to know what the true taste of a tomato! Who knows how many he had chosen as a vegetable or fruit. Certainly very few people had opted for the meat of some wild animals: they had the necessary experience nor the skills required to catch any prey. The noise outside became more and more insistent. No one ordered him to surrender and warned him from retaliation forthcoming: the penalty for what he was doing, powered by natural biological substances without authority, was the immediate abolition. Aside the thought and smiled again for the surreal image that formed in his mind: he bit into it, the public security officers who were shooting broke, reducing it to shreds. One could not tell where the blood ended and where it began the tomato juice. It would be drowned in a sea of \u200b\u200bred ...
shook a little 'more power to the tomato, finally decides to bite. As if she carried it to his mouth did not notice that the vegetable had a quick start, almost of rebellion. They heard the shots: the deaf, relentless ...
+ Extract from the Evening Service TGU (Tele Journal only) +
hours of 19:55:58 78 ° Solar Cycle - Third Planet System
... a massacre. According to reliable sources, some troublemakers, dedicated to all forms of violence and subversive punishable by immediate withdrawal, were executed as a warning to all those who in the future even remotely had the desire to conceive such intolerable acts against the company. The Magister Maximus stresses that these barbaric acts of coexistence among human beings is totally deplorable. In his speech, which should enlighten the thought guidance was clear and unambiguous. It is reported faithfully the concept, through three-dimensional holographic projection:
"The law is meant to be respected. The law is just. There was a time when there being no writing all that concerned justice was summarized in a number of precepts so limited, that anyone could easily remind you. Who knew what would be the wrong result, the punishment. Who got wrong at the same moment that he committed the error, she knew she would be judged and condemned. Everyone could recognize the fault, as everyone knew it had to intervene. But over time this led to widespread abuse. Anyone who felt entitled to issue a decision and to implement it, believing they are right. But I assure you that the right knows it can not and should not afford to go further. The law should not be interpreted. And that's why the law itself has increased, not to confuse or lead into error, but to bring clarity and precision. Not to usurp the rationality of the human individual, but to give voice to the righteousness of the mass. Now I ask you, knowing that someone for you to dedicate his life solely for the greatest good of the community, you feel more calm, more relaxed? Do not try a subtle pleasure without worries as there may dedicate to a well-earned enjoyment of your everyday life fragile? Using strong words, but I know that you realize that only those who administer justice in place of the Higher People can enjoy longevity in eternum. Does anyone think a questionable privilege, but someone will agree with the need and the knowledge that to maintain order and peace and integrity it takes time spirit. And to make this possible, just asked to trust those who sacrifice their time, their life, to a similar cause. The path is traced, just see it and continue along despite the leaves that may cover it. I urge everyone, without distinction, to reflect on how, together, we can do for our present and future of our children. AVE "
are kindly asked listeners to go on the day of Redemption City, the Basilica of the Magister Maximus with a generous offer, and appropriate to their status with the perfect balance calibrated for the event. It will not be tolerated any form of expression or association, albeit spontaneous, unless previously agreed with the Secretary of the Syndicate. We wish you a nice time of the evening in the company of the UK (Network One).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Italy. To view a copy of this license, visit the website or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California 94105, USA.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Faking Community Service School
walked for hours.
Legends tell that when
Ragon The Dragon awoke to the East,
The Iron Dragon roared in the West ...
- from "The Path of the Dragons",
traduza. the Supreme Raphael -
The smell of wet grass from the dew. The salty smell of salt air and the lapping unperturbed water shattered on the rocks, towards the sky and bristling like sharp teeth. The breeze that ruffled the dense prickly foliage and the air that slapped his face. The distant call of some gull which had awakened with the first rays of the sun. For all that Arens had escaped from the Tower of the Ancients? He was breathing heavily, was in trouble, ran at high speed for hours and despite its genetically altered by the hypertrophic muscle of the New Technology Templar Order of St. Thomas, began to be fatigued. He had traveled hundreds of miles to devour as even the most powerful of the war horses of the Principality of Dor or the Duchy of Bash could have done, had crossed one night in the Forest of the Warrior, what once was called the Amazon forest in South America forgot, and then climbed with fury the Language of the Giant, with his bare hands, always pervaded by the burning fire of the need to fulfill its mission. Completely naked, drenched in nuns, he finally decided to take a break.
Its four lungs were operating at full capacity, filtering and acting on the air inhaled at the molecular level, while its skin, tough as that of a rhinoceros, maintained its balance in the biophysical level of temperature and vital functions. For long periods would need to feed with conventional food or drink from anything he had ingested would have assimilated the essential elements relevant to its survival. The cybernetic connections visible on his body, useful interaction with the armor for combat, at that time served only to remind him what it was and would always be: a soldier of the faith.
And as such, aware that they can not dream or have visions of any kind, had that certainty and especially the knowledge that his pursuers were missing: would not fail. The images that he could recall from his memory that could not be memories of past experiences that had been simply forgotten, or processing of personal events that they wanted to help increase his knowledge. From a pragmatic soldier as he was he would not try in any way for him to interpret those that were considered merely for what it clearly represented: information. Valuable information to link together to achieve its purpose. But if it was really so, because he had woken up in the middle of the night certainly have to complete an important task, so that without thinking too much, completely naked and impossessatosi Claw of the Dragon, had started running at breakneck speed toward a destination still unknown at the time?
The sky, black and dark until a few moments before, now gave way to dawn a new day. Contemplating the rising sun that was rising behind him, moved him for a moment. The hypersleep had kept him away from everything for too long. The capsule suspension life he learned the war was about to erupt between the Principality of Dor and the Duchy of Bash, the involvement of the Empire, Hesperia, and evasion of the other kingdoms. He shook his head sadly. The battle against big money in the Pit of the King, the sacrifice of thousands of people, life offered to the supreme cause, the salvation of many lives by sacrificing of a few. Possible that the men had forgotten everything so fast? They had learned nothing?
His fists are contracted, so that his knuckles whitening. There was still need people like him. He looked west, towards the black sea and the sky black for a short while it would be embraced in the grip of ice and shadows that obscure. The sun would soon completed his daily miracle. With the new brightness oncoming could see the steps that would have won their freedom. The steps, carved directly into the hard stone of the mountain, yet it was not known by whom and in what period, to the unique exploitable natural harbor on the coast, between the coves of the bay, the coast was impassable for even a well-hundred kilometers.
His followers would not have come this far: it would come to that. At the Tower of the Ancients was a cardinal principle not prove to the rest of humanity. The men were not to know of their existence, we would have left at the mercy of her destiny, hoping that perish, like others before him, he would be left to the mercy of a world considered inhospitable with the certainty that he would meet with a soul to interact. What a mistake ...
Arens took another deep breath, and for no apparent reason drew the Dragon's Claw. What a wonderful weapon. A normal man would find it hard if not impossible to challenge the two-handed sword. He was part of the glorious strike team "Sea of \u200b\u200bBlood" proudly brandishing the grasping with the right hand only, and not without some difficulties. The blade, sharp and lethal on both sides was as wide as its span, just over a foot. Almost as long as he was tall, with its one hundred and seventy centimeters of pure steel alive and deadly, was a dark burnished metal. The hilt, finely crafted, depicting the sinewy leg and wore a blue dragon sleeper set the eye of one of those noble creatures. Here is what saddened him most of all: learn about the extinction of flying dragons. What a loss ...
Looking down, the only clear visible from the position he had reached the clearing where he began his climb to the rocky mountain, the Language of the Giant, he saw no. He had been in contemplation and absorbed by their thoughts for a long time, yet still could not see any pursuer. Possible that they had already given up the idea of \u200b\u200bcapturing? They had not put on the heels of its now former fellow department, professionals like him, such an attitude was unbecoming. He had been overestimated, or perhaps, even, they had underestimated him! They knew that even if just awakened dall'ipersonno, its higher faculties were now operational? Upon him a doubt. Had not checked how much time had elapsed in the capsule. Could it be that those involved in the process of "reactivation" of inept they were not aware of who was awakened? Another failure in the system that could seriously affect the whole company set up the Tower!
A sense of rage came upon him! He was considered a traitor, a priori, without even taking into consideration the reason for its actions, the reason for his escape. What then was that for them, certainly not for him. Yes, he had stolen the Dragon's Claw by force, but in due time and surely would have gladly paid for this action: stealing a relic symbol for his people, indeed, The Relic, would cost him dear. But any punishment would never have devastated as the indelible sense of shame that now felt for the very action he had committed! But the point was another, had not fled like a thief! A voice aroused him, ahead of schedule, and within himself he felt that what he was doing was right. It seemed an escape just because you were the pursuers, or, in a different situation would have been just another of the many operations which often took part.
With all those thoughts in his head, a new day had already begun. The air was still exciting because of the proximity to the sea. Arens looked back toward the vast expanse of water, then into the bright sun for a moment dazzled the eyes. He covered his eyes with his free hand, but it was a gesture by a person annoyed: the warmth felt revived him and gave him such a sense peace ... In the clearing below does not yet appear to anyone. He tightened the grip of Dragon's Claw. I picked a dizziness, a heel that forced him to kneel while still holding the sword in one hand, trying to support him. The unthinkable happened ...
He opened his eyes that had temporarily closed in order to recover, shaking his head slightly and ... what a surprise! The sky was deep blue, perfectly clear, cruel in its complete and perfect sharpness. All around him was a riot of green and rock .. The vast green lawns lush and bright, soft and fresh, the grass, between his bare feet, swung gaily under the influence of a strong cold wind. The rocks he saw around in some parts in bulk and in other scattered neatly stacked, unhappy in their sad and dull gray, forever on the horizon, or so it seemed, such was the breadth of the site. He understood immediately that he was among the remains of some huge building or city, neglected and left to die under the relentless blows of the weather, but could not figure out what ruled that state of abandonment, and felt he did not have the amount of time needed to study the situation. He got up, sheathed Dragon's Claw, and he remembered looking around vaguely to have been in such a place, but could not remember where and when.
He walked aimlessly. Did not feel any danger, however, after the unlucky Elder Days of Darkness, nothing could intimidate him. A strange silence reigned, they heard only the hiss of the wind howled in my ears. Even less than before felt any change in outside temperature was not entirely conceivable as someone or something you could bring the unseen from afar.
The step was decided, the landscape monotonous and meaningless. He did not waste time looking for signs of any kind. He only knew that was to continue to advance.
walked for hours.
At one point he stopped, puzzled. He looked around again, with that way of doing that might seem superficial, but in fact was a perception of space and time out of the ordinary. A quick scan did reach a simple conclusion. It had already been there. And even more than once! Something had caught altering its sensory capabilities.
Although he kept a straight linear direction and was running in circles. The wind continued to blow undaunted in the same direction, the rocks piled in a disorderly or compacted half-ruined walls, in places full of cracks and landslides, were identical and were repeated with the left precision. He looked into the wind, squinting for the trouble caused by the gusts of icy air, looked the other way, with long hair is messed up. Dragon's Claw was a start.
Arens was not frightened, but was further impressed. He had heard more than once, especially inns and taverns, how it was possible that Dragon's Claw possess its own life, and because of his personal past experiences had not discredited even for a moment this claim, but had always held to account if any. He had seen too much not to believe such a possible eventuality. The tremor was felt that in arming that carried over the shoulder, then, did not surprise him, but he was acknowledged as the right choice that he instinctively did the day before. Steal the relic had his own reason. There was a reason for everything, and eventually, everything would have ended up with a new beginning, each application would have been a response. It had to be nth circle is closed and then continue with the genesis of a cycle of events, repetitive and interminable: relentlessly, endlessly, relentlessly?
He crouched down, sitting on his heels. He did not actually need to rest or to reflect further on what happened, but felt the visceral need to take it easy. The urgency that had eaten up a few moments before had now failed. It was one step away from discovering something, something ... jumped up, still with his back to the incessant wind. And as if to push it, to encourage it, he walked again.
Although very calm and relaxed, as if he had come to a new awareness of staff, was walking with that strange and unusual cold that it was pressing and almost screamed in my ears. All his senses were alert and hyperactive. He felt that something was going to happen and wanted to be ready for anything.
He had put in motion when he saw a long black speck in the distance indefinite. What could it be? Quickened its pace. The distance should not be indifferent to the fact that the deduced Note that phenomenon had to make the most of its already considerable visual capacity. He regretted not taking with you all the standard equipment supplied, but at the same time carried out as doing so had certainly increased his chances of success. As in a mathematical equation, having fewer distractions gave him more speed.
When he realized that he was running again, saw the event as insignificant the result of an obvious reaction to the circumstances. It was back in action. Dragon's Claw jumped again on his mighty shoulders, and increased Arens further gait. As he approached his target, only later realized the incredible phenomenon that was happening. Around him, in a growing rumble of rolling stone and jump like crazy in a fish pond, buildings, walls, buildings, houses, wells, everything was rearranging rediscovering its original form. The stones were returning to be solid brick, brick back to give texture to walls and walls. An entire city was emerging from the ruins that once dominated the entire plain. Under his eyes, the gray of "civilization" was again taking over the lush green of the first.
Finally, while her mad and furious ride does not seem to have no end, he began to discern and identify the object that had caught his attention. Not a thing, but an individual. A big brute as he was, wearing the armor combat power, he stood in a floor space but the Act concerns. There, the grass had not grown, white sand mixed with earth covered the yard, sometimes dancing in some impromptu whirlwind of air. Completely bald with a long braid tied by several rings of crude workmanship, the soldier contemplating building imprecise direction, looking lost and empty. Babbling incomprehensible words, mumbling and occasionally raising his voice, almost in a pleading prayer, heartfelt and desperate at the same time. Before him, stuck in the ground ... IMPOSSIBLE! Dragon's Claw was there, the destruction to come memento plaque and steel! Arens stayed dall'impugnare the weapon he carried over his shoulder: he was sure that is where you actually had to be! With muscles, almost gnashing his teeth, went further, however, being careful not to come within range of the mysterious character. The litany seemed resumed once again, more and more intense.
had to admit he was fascinated by that individual. His face wrinkled and shrunken, so they seem paper, seen up close, gave him an aura of wisdom and nobility who wanted all his respect. He imagined it was a veteran. Even the armor, though in good condition, bore visible signs of injuries suffered in battle and adjusted crude and crafts: who knows how long he had to repair it without the appropriate supports. When she saw him with a snap decision to extract from the ground pseudo copy of Dragon's Claw, by extension, with an automatic movement, Arens drew back and prepared to fight, but drew his sword, was yet as in a trance battle.
In response, however, all its primary endocrine glands to secrete the drugs began to fight. Oh, lifeblood, oh, sweet juice coveted gifts that the strength and blessed! The effects began to be felt. Despite not wearing his armor, which would have greatly amplified this state of ecstasy, the warrior took over. Dragon's Claw was unlined and the soldier stood guard position in low, with power in both hands, ready to strike. Only one attack was precise and lethal enough: an upward stroke to break up and split, a crossover hit back to cut and tear. Death at its best. But the soldier who was not only attacked him first, I do not even deserve a look! It seemed rapt in his own world where there were no more that he and his lyrical blasphemy. Still chanting, the heavy sword raised to the sky, stretching out like an accusing finger, then dry with a circular movement made her turn, and then gave a sharp cut back, horizontal, cleft the air. At that blink of an eye, he was sure Arens, time stopped ... It was like staying in a long breath, shut up in a bubble that could only lead to oblivion, in absolute ruin.
A huge beam of light dark spread in space, all around. It was as if the air itself, or rather, the blast that had been created, the same size the entire universe. Where the trail of death came, everything darkened and gray. The wind stopped instantly, the grass is petrified, stopped the cries of anguish. The soldier with the braid, another property in that last pose weapons master, as a commemorative statue, he was shouted down and gasped, slowly. Slower and slower until it stopped altogether. It stood: forever.
Arens unearthed. He was still on the Language of the Giant! He turned and rolled over several times, yet in hand with Dragon's Claw, incredulous as he had seen. Around him no trace of the veteran carrier of misfortune. No city risen from the ashes, no endless expanse of grass tormented by the incessant howling wind. No total devastation by a copy of the stolen relic to the Tower of the Ancients. In his mind slipped a doubt that the voice that had roused the soldier was to become lost somewhere? Or was it the wind howling screaming, but what? He pressed harder with the sword with both hands and just instinctively paused to look at her with renewed interest. The eye of the legendary creature sleeping! He was open, wide open! The world about him. The lid slammed once or twice. Then he stared at him. In the distance, somewhere, a huge roar shook the whole mountain ...
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Implantation Bleeding Or Period Tissue
The huge steel mesh was freed from the land where it was stuck creaking and emitting an ominous rattling noise. He shook his fist in a menacing with a clang of metal and other metal clawed. A shield is crumpled in the vice. Still fresh blood mixed with dirt, mud and other debris, slipped to a specific gesture of slight twist. The silent and menacing dark figure is erse arrogance in all its darkness, in an eloquent gesture of defiance: all around, silence.
Neither weak wind arose, or the nauseating smell that they tried to overpower him, bothered in any way the relentless machine of destruction that had crossed the path of those strange beings made of skin, bones , tendons, flesh. A flag flapping in the wind and something quietly jingled with annoying insistence. Maybe What a weapon ... freak of nature are such miserable human beings? Even the most insignificant insect has a carapace of protection rather than a useless exoskeleton inside!
A cloud of arrows tore the black night sky, raining in unison with an ominous whistle humming, invisible and deadly, but the impact with the intended target was not the case: a bright yellow aura, subtle but more robust leather armor, surrounds and protects the relentless metal abomination. Not that I need it now was clear, nothing seemed to scratch it; quell'ennesima devilry, that barrier "magic" that enveloped him, he seemed more the display of a higher power that could only portend anything good. Would all be exterminated, from first to last: without the ability to defend itself, without the ability to react in any way. No mercy ...
In the starry night it was hard to distinguish that which surrounded the shadow, the darker of the same darkness in which he was immersed. His one blue eye, beautiful and brilliant as the first and the brightest of stars appeared, he looked almost pleased with the macabre spectacle. Mangled bodies everywhere, mutilated, and already rotting flesh still bleeding, you could hear the wail imperceptibly dying of some naive, it would be better to die now and not turn into the delicious dessert of that gruesome banquet.
Neither weak wind arose, or the nauseating smell that they tried to overpower him, bothered in any way the relentless machine of destruction that had crossed the path of those strange beings made of skin, bones , tendons, flesh. A flag flapping in the wind and something quietly jingled with annoying insistence. Maybe What a weapon ... freak of nature are such miserable human beings? Even the most insignificant insect has a carapace of protection rather than a useless exoskeleton inside!
He stood still for a moment and analyze the situation and the curious creatures with which women continue to encounter, without the slightest regard relentless passing of time, perhaps his only worthy opponent in that moment, impossible to put down as much as him, moved a step forward towards the wood that could see the other side. The ground shook and groaned to its passage, the air is condensed nauseating smell from decaying into steam, fine wisps of smoke whirled in gusts hot and defiant miasmatic behind him. He walked slowly to the now desolate grassy plain, which has bright green and it was spotless moments before, was now a red sea of \u200b\u200bblood and lost souls. Carelessly pulled back a tree that blocked the passage, breaking the trunk, just as casually kicked the helpless body torn apart by a war-horse that still kicking in the air, sad parody of a life that did not want to stop fighting despite having already lost from the start. Then began to climb the gentle slope with equal nonchalance of a barren hill and bare.
Infinite sequences of complex mathematical calculations handed him a sense of sadistic pleasure: it was perhaps this strange logic state what humans call "emotion"? Its primary matrix was not at the level of that of a guardian, but at that very moment, a Guardian of his level what could be deduced? After yet another carnage perpetrated in order to achieve the original design, the perception that higher for a second thought to have come, what it meant? Assuming of course that everything had a meaning. It was still too early to make a report, because the real target of his awakening was bound to be a Other: eliminate all forms of sentient life, not the planet was too obvious and blatant. If the Creator had given birth to Gemini, the System, if they had given them a new life and a new reality that went beyond even the most impossible odds, well, one reason he had to be there, but the Supreme Eklisse had all the answers. Only the Renegade men had knowledge. Only the Abomination knowledgeable. And his coming was still too far away. So the logical conclusion, we must continue to act according to instructions until further notice: to bring death and destruction.
Life ... Who I will explain in what way? What has changed? There is only, often, too much confusion. Each logical analysis is altered by "feelings" which are still classified, balanced, perhaps even eradicated! Work becomes a sum of variables with other variables so ... He avoided a fatal blow, a first assault. ... exponentially. He avoided easily the second attack. Also in the hammer while holding the right bundle helpless, while his thoughts always seemed to be able to come to some conclusion, a hidden truth, comparable those absolutes that before waking up to what they were: absolute truth, certainty. All summed up in one word: logic. logic that is being lost in a mess without end ...
Having used a range disruptive threw into turmoil the steel giant. Even this was difficult to accept a new reality. He would not have wanted to use a ranged weapon against opponents who do not possess. It was not a question of honor, pride, chivalry or something, we leave that to those fools who started every human encounter with screams, and convinced of its own arrogance, haughty and arrogant, but most "cannon fodder". No, it was not all that. Simply, he enjoyed the contact between his hard tempered steel and the soft flesh of his victims. He loved tear, break, crush, rend. He felt an artist of the slaughter perpetrated for fun. What is this "life"? this is the gift that you have done?
The sky was black. The moon was hidden from view. A slight breeze was doing to draw in the smoke coming out of the chimney of the house is a curious dance, silent and soft, unattainable and incomprehensible inappropriate. A huge steel hammer got rid of the last shreds of bloody flesh of which was smeared, and emitting creaking the usual left and ping. He shook his fist in a menacing with a clang of metal and other metal clawed. Opened again. A single, bright blue eyes and imagined he tried to focus again on the little bundle that moments before seemed to recover in that hammer ajar. The claw was still slightly warm to the warmth that had given off trying to meet the vital needs of the small human. But it was only a moment. Now the cold metal of the living Guardian restored the correct density of the artificial synthetic structure.
Once on top of the hill looked around for new opponents, if we could define those silly creatures, fragile, screaming and annoying as the worst computer virus, but found none. A house of modest size, made entirely of stone and slate roofed wood and straw, dominated the landscape, while behind the building could be glimpsed as the ground to decline again in a gentle slope, up to a fairly large and dense forest . We could hear almost imperceptibly, but not too far away, the gurgling of a stream and the incessant rhythm of the wheel of a mill that grinds, while a rough fence, rough and spartan, surrounded the estate, not too wide. A wisp of smoke leaked impalpable from the chimney at the center of the roof. In the hushed silence of the night, the chirping of cicadas made by macabre soundtrack. He went further and stopped again on the threshold of the door slightly ajar.
Its size was such that the overhang of a meter large dilapidated building. He was trying to destroy everything with one mighty swing of his hammer, but something made him desist: curiosity?! He knelt. He put her fingers slightly hooked his metal claw and pushed. Inside, in total darkness, he saw the remains of a home that was now disappearing. He had not noticed the absence of windows or other openings in the building, except of course the chimney. The crackle of the embers that still resisted attracted his attention. His one eye, as guided by their own will, leaned in and articulated a slimy tentacle crept inside the house, plunging into darkness. The fully explored, storing each as possible, recording the presence of a medium sized stone table, a couple of wooden stools of dubious consistency, a trunk full of junk, a bed of hay, and finally, near the brazier, is paused to study something unexpected. In a wicker basket, wrapped in a soft cloth, a tiny form of life was slowly fading. Difficulty breathing, barely moving, the basal temperature was low, the limit. How long has that puppy of a man was there to fight this battle alone, quiet, and now lost? Why nature was so relentless and do not put an end to his suffering? Luckily the little he had arrived, the supreme court and the voice of truth: the extinction of life was a dogma, and the pursuit of the objective, the only possibility.
stretched out a limb, following the same path indicated by the ocular tentacle. Claw the basket and took off with unexpected delicacy building the bundle with the baby, now dying. It would be so easy to crush it and then watch the meat mixed with bodily fluids smeared mallet. Or would have been interesting to see some law of physics by throwing the helpless victim as far as possible, with all its power? How far he could throw that weight ... so inconsistent? He did none of that.
remained an unspecified time to look at the creature in its steel pincers are determined not to die. Not all of those soldiers had been tackled previously shown such tenacity. In its database had vague information about the fragility and precariousness of human existence that compared to that of "synthetic" was absolutely futile and worthless. But that did not find anything to think or even imagine that such a tiny creature, without any defense and ability, had the power to "bewitch" a superior being like him. It was a mutant?! But their appearance was to be only between a hundred years, with the advent of space travel. ... It was a noise caught his attention. Quickly identify the presence of the new intruders. Possible that he was distracted enough to not paying attention to all warning signs? The multiplicity intervening variables had altered his perception of space and time. The "distraction" that supposedly he had temporarily disconnected from the world around him, pointed to the implementation of a new protocol behavior out of every parameter known.
As part of its electronic brain of elaborating the best strategy to adopt, the other is still basking in the attention focused on the abstruse and little bundle lying in his mallet. And what about the new attackers, all sensors were given a single result.
Traka were hounds.
They had come from the Plan Zero. What insolence! Pervaded the subtle electrostatic discharge, making the entire structure of a strange sensation. And while still introspective analysis of the new hyperbolic situation that had arisen, the arrogant shadow mechanics had already prepared for the imminent clash. The hounds were only five, large size, and were opening up a fan for a pincer attack. Usually operated in larger flocks, were particularly warlike and aggressive, but the leader of the pack and had to look dumb to know what they were doing.
At that time there were only five ravenous beasts, with their appearance reminiscent of the unsuccessful cross between slimy snakes and big dogs. The leader of the pack was definitely the biggest, and probably, somewhere, the blank look was hidden and was enjoying the whole scene at a safe distance. They had thin legs that seemed as hard as steel and body lean but muscular. The head was particularly sharp and culminated in a long hooked beak and terribly sharp. In the dark eyes seemed to look with eyes devoid of malice and mischief. As the bodies were of a disgusting slime-colored, while along the backbone un'ispida reddish hair stood conspicuously, quivering with excitement in waiting for the impending clash.
The single eye looked at the lazy approach of the five animals with all its mechanical and cold detachment, but within himself, unexpectedly, was home to something new. If it was human - once again suggested subtly from that - you could bask in that "complacency" was about to enjoy the fulfillment that until then had not yet had. Had killed did not know how many fatal (in fact the meter pointer targets indicated thousand nine hundred) all in a couple of days, but was always too easy, pure training. The battles with the evolved, in the third millennium, before the impact of the Ships of Horus on earth, had memorable clashes. Technology in the service of man who collided with technology that man did not want. Fratricidal conflicts without end (even for the machines could be considered as such?): Blood smeared steel, metal writhing in the fires of purification. And now? The creators had "mistakenly" gave their lives! Their superior knowledge had misinterpreted certain electrical signals confuse them with vital signs! The reality of a new synthetic was difficult to accept ...
Life ... Who I will explain in what way? What has changed? There is only, often, too much confusion. Each logical analysis is altered by "feelings" which are still classified, balanced, perhaps even eradicated! Work becomes a sum of variables with other variables so ... He avoided a fatal blow, a first assault. ... exponentially. He avoided easily the second attack. Also in the hammer while holding the right bundle helpless, while his thoughts always seemed to be able to come to some conclusion, a hidden truth, comparable those absolutes that before waking up to what they were: absolute truth, certainty. All summed up in one word: logic. logic that is being lost in a mess without end ...
The statement broke something in the circuit. Jaws of disproportionate force seized the chance to stick in his left shoulder. With a jerk he freed. Free with the claw grabbed the hind legs of the beast who had dared so much and if it were a game that was beginning to give boredom, as one club mill: first right, then left again and again, banging on the grassland, sometimes instead of trying to use the gun for a living hit the other assailants. The clash was lasting longer than expected, but only because the guardian was not working hard enough mechanical. A rotation of the limb, the more sudden the other, torn in two the body of the hound that, caught in the vice, however, had never stopped squirming. Only a beast had been annihilated, smashed side with improvised weapon.
the The three survivors were still jumping around, taking turns, trying to bite him, or dropping it, but in vain. Sudden, a blinding light shone out right in the center and one of three creatures, spreading in the air at once a persistent smell of burnt flesh. A large block unrecognizable, black and hard as a rock, rolled down the grassy slope toward a thick forest. Memento destruction. The other two hounds continued undeterred in their tactics, as if nothing had happened. And to that emitted was in no way comparable to anything that could be heard on the planet. He could vaguely remember the chirping of cicadas, but it was much more delicate and hypnotic, in contrast with their appearance and their savage ferocity. Plan Zero, who had the misfortune to hear that call was over in a death trap.
Having used a range disruptive threw into turmoil the steel giant. Even this was difficult to accept a new reality. He would not have wanted to use a ranged weapon against opponents who do not possess. It was not a question of honor, pride, chivalry or something, we leave that to those fools who started every human encounter with screams, and convinced of its own arrogance, haughty and arrogant, but most "cannon fodder". No, it was not all that. Simply, he enjoyed the contact between his hard tempered steel and the soft flesh of his victims. He loved tear, break, crush, rend. He felt an artist of the slaughter perpetrated for fun. What is this "life"? this is the gift that you have done?
In the throes of a topical fit of megalomaniacal madness did not notice that it has entered both hammers, arms outstretched to the night sky in a clear act of megalomania! When he realized it took a moment of disorientation. Automatically avoided yet another assault on a hound. The second group that tried to bite an arm with a powerful and precise punch broke his skull, painting a tapestry of blood on the ground representing the most abstract of the rotting dead. Last not wavered even for a bloodhound moment and attacked in turn, but was grabbed on the fly and broken in two along the spine, and lethal with a single fluid motion.
was silence. In an immensely long pause.
The sky was black. The moon was hidden from view. A slight breeze was doing to draw in the smoke coming out of the chimney of the house is a curious dance, silent and soft, unattainable and incomprehensible inappropriate. A huge steel hammer got rid of the last shreds of bloody flesh of which was smeared, and emitting creaking the usual left and ping. He shook his fist in a menacing with a clang of metal and other metal clawed. Opened again. A single, bright blue eyes and imagined he tried to focus again on the little bundle that moments before seemed to recover in that hammer ajar. The claw was still slightly warm to the warmth that had given off trying to meet the vital needs of the small human. But it was only a moment. Now the cold metal of the living Guardian restored the correct density of the artificial synthetic structure.
began walking toward the thick woods beyond the house, above and of yet another massacre perpetrated there, beyond a memory now archived and cataloged, which had been human, would have made perhaps finally understand what had been quell'irrazionale logical confusion as it was at that time. Really understand what it means to be alive, he might have paid his first tears of steel ...
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